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Friday, October 2, 2009

Episode 2 part 2: Granola!

The next day @ school:

(The group's talking)

Principal: (goes up to them) Girls, we have a huge problem! Someone sprayed graphitti on the walls!

(Everyone gasps... except Ashley.)

Ashley: Why would someone spray cereal on the walls?

Thalia: Not granola, Ashley!

Lily: Maybe we should examine the wall.

Ginny: Good idea.

(they all go to examine the wall)

Lily: Wow! This person did a lot of graphitti.... we should clean it up.

Alex: Yeah. We should also take some paint to show the guy at the paint store.

Ashley: I have to clean in THIS outfit!?!?!?! (groans)

(they all clean as hard as they can... except for Ashley)

Ginny: Wow! That took a lot out of me! Right, guys?

Everyone (but Ashley): (out of breath) Yup.

Ashley: (eating granola) You were saying something?

Alex: What are you doing?

Ashley: I'm eating graphitti, DUH!

Everyone else: GRANOLA!!!!!

(they all start walking 2 the paint store.)

At the paint store:

Alex: Can you tell us who bought this paint? (shows him the paint sample)

Paint Guy: Umm... I can't disclose that 2 u rite now, missy. But I can tell u one thing: he's your age with long hair.

Lily: Hmm... let's check the yearbook!

Jeniffer: OK. Lets go to my house.

(everyone starts walking)

At Jeniffers House:

Thalia: (looking at yearbook) Oh, there he is! In the science section!

Jeniffer: (looks) Matthew Brown...

Ginny: Lets go to school and show Mr. Hennings (principal) the PROOF!
Alex: OK!
Ashley: Can we get some graphitti on the way?
Everyone else: GRANOLA!!!!!!!!!!
(they start walking to the school. ashley sees a sale sign.)
Ashley: Thalia, can I go to the sale? please, please, PLEASE??? (tugs on Thalia's sleeve)
Thalia: No, you can't go right now. You have the yearbook and the paint sample, so you're important in this thing.
Ashley: Please?
Ashley: (sticks out tounge at Thalia, drops yearbook and paint, and starts walking towards the sale)
At school:
Lily: Mr. Hennings! We found out the culprit!
Mr. Hennings: That's great, girls! Who is it?
Alex: Matthew Brown!
Ginny: The guy at the paint shop said the guy who bought the paint had long hair...
Jeniffer:... and the only guy with long hair in our school is Matthew!
Mr. Hennings: All this is wonderful, girls.... but you dont have any proof, so I can't belive you.
Thalia: But we do! Ashley, show him the yearbook and the paint reciept.
Lily: Where's Ashley?
Thalia: Oh, no! she must have gone to that sale!
Mr. Hennings: If you'll excuse me, I have more important things to do. (walks away)
Ginny: We have to go find her! Thalia and I will go, and Alex and Lily will watch for her if she comes back.
At wherever Ashley's at:
???????: I've got you now now, Ashley!
Ashley: no! NO! NO!!!!!!!!
Where's Ashley?
Who's ??????? ?
Will Thalia and Ginny find her?
Find out in part 3!!!!! :) :)

Friday, August 14, 2009

Episode 2 part one: The New Girls

Ok again, this is the work of the following:
Me, Michella Brown
Lily Montez,
Amy Cahill,

Ashley: Have you heard about the new girls?
Thalia: Yeah, they seem cool.
Lily: Ya, Ginny and... Alex...
Ginny: ...andra
Ashley: Right, Andra!
Thalia: No, Alexandra!
Ashley: Watever.
(Ginny and Alexandra come over)
Alexandra: Hi, I'm Alexandra. Would u like hand sanitizer?
Ginny: Hi, I'm Ginny.
Ashley: Nice to meet you. I'm Ashley. (reaches out hand to shake)
Alexandra: Ummm... (puts hand sanitizer on Ashley's hand, then shakes it.)
Thalia: I'm Thalia.
Lily: I'm Lily.
(I'll call the original Ginny Ginny 1, and the new one Ginny 2)
Ginny1: I'm Jen- Ginny.
Alexandra: U sure?
Ginny1: Actually, I...
(everyone starts talking about the school)
Ginny1: HELLO?????
Everyone: Oh, sorry. U were saying something?
Ginny1: Well, there's something I need to tell you....
Alexandra: Let me guess... you're real name is Jennifer!
(everyone bursts out laughing)
Ginny1: Well, it's true!
(the laughing stops)
Thalia: Um... well, how about going to Ashley's house after school?
Ashley: Sounds good with me!
After School @ Ashley's house:
Ashley and Lily: Warning, our moms can get really annoying.
Ginny and Alexandra: Really?
(Ashley's and Lily's moms run up to them)
Both moms: (facing Ginny and Alexandra) Oh, look at how much you've grown!
Ginny: This is kinda the first time were meeting you...
Ashley and Lily: Mom, cut it out!
Ashley's mom: Oh, sorry. I didn't want to embarrass you.
Lily's mom: I know! Let's get out the baby pictures!
(They both run out)
Ashley and Lily: MOM!!!!
(both run after them)

2 new ppl

Ok so u no the 4 friend story? Well now there r 2 more ppl:

Alexandra: the germaphobic one,
Ginny: the sports crazed one.

So ya. New post comin up!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chapter 3, Part 2: Mrs.Annabelle

Annabelle stepped down from his sheep and said to Bob, "I have arrived!" "IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS??" Bob said. "Oh, sorry. Let me introduce you to Mrs. Annabelle! We got married!" Annabelle said. "Introduce yourself, honey!" Mrs. Annabelle's jaw was just dropped open, almost like Bob's...

"HOW DARE YOU MARRY HER!?!?!? SHE'S A.... A... PEASANT!" Bob exclaimed. "OH NO U DIDNT!" Mrs.Annabelle said. "Honey?" "Yes, my little pumkin?" Annabelle said. Mrs.Annabelle came closer to him, and seemed to be whispering something in his ear. Instead she shouted, "HOW DARE YOU BEFRIEND THIS DISCRACE TO SOCIETY!?!?!" "Excuse me?" Bob said. "I'm not the one who-" "WHAT'S GOING ON!?!?" Annabelle shouted. "Uh, Annabelle?" said Bob. "Could I talk to you for a minute or two in the forest?" "Uh... sure"Annabelle said. "Don't take to long honey..." Mrs. Annabelle said,"you might turn into one of HIM!"

Once in the forest, Annabelle hissed, "What do you have against my WIFE?" Bob said,"Okay, the truth is..." she hesitated. "She's my sister." "Your WHAT?" Annabelle was shocked. "It's true." said Bob. "She genetically similar to me! Waah!" Bob started crying. "Bob, you know that when you cry I cry... and i want to look MANLY in front of my wife... please stop!" Annabelle said, trying not to cry. Bob suddenly stopped crying. "Alright. Would u like this story in flashback or real life?" Annabelle said, "Hmmm, that's a toughie. But I think I'll go with real life."

Bob began telling her story. "Well, it all started when we lived in the same palace. Mom always liked... Tiffany more! I did have dad, but he named me Bob! so all my life I was made fun of because i had a boys name... and tiffany, she would always get all the attention. she would be smart, I would be dumb. she would be the most popular princess in school, i would always be the most unpopular princess in school. its always been tiffany this, tiffany that, AND I WAS SICK OF IT! So, on my 20th birthday, when a princess is old enough to live on her own, i ran away! and then i met you, and i took u to my palace, and then you told me u actually weren't a prince, and then u married my sister, and then i called u into the forest and told u my story and... oh, look here we are!"

Annabelle said, "Well, now that we're telling secrets... I have a confession to make." "What is it?" Bob said. "The reason I married your... sister."



Hi guys... I posted the Bob and Annabelle story, but 4 some reason its at the BOTTOM of the bowling post. So just scroll down...


Friday, July 31, 2009

Episode One: Bowling

Ok, this is the story we wrote at the sleepover, so credit goes to:
Me, Michella Brown,
My sis, Lily Montez,
and Thalia's sis, Amy Cahill.

Ok so this story's format is a bit different. You'll see how; just read on!

Ginny: Let's all go bowling together! I'll drive!
Thalia,Ashley, and Lily: Okay!
(the three of them go to the car and get in)
Ashley: Hey, Ginny! You haven't fallen the whole day!
Ginny: Well, there are some days where I don't fall.
(Thalia, Ashley, and Lily's jaws drop)
Ginny: Okay, so I fall everyday... but maybe I won't today! Ahh! (falls in car)
Ginny: Oh, my arm!
Thalia: Her arm looks pretty bad!
Ashley: You're telling me! That watch is SO last year!
Thalia: I'm gonna call 911 on my brand new cell phone!
Lily: And I'll calm her down. How about u , Ashley?
Ashley: I'm gonna listen to my iPod! I just got a new song yesterday! (starts singing along)
Thalia: Shh! They're on!
Ginny: OH , THE PAIN!!
Lily: It's okay, Ginny. Just think of mac and cheese. that always makes me feel better. soon, you'll reach cheese nirvana*! (starts meditating) Ohm! Cheese! Ohm!
(Ambulance comes and takes Ginny away in a stretcher)
Ashley: (runs after them)Wait! If you're taking her away, buy her some new clothes! Take my wallet!
2 weeks later at school:

(Thalia, Ashley, and Lily are talking)

Ginny: (runs up to them) Hey guys! I got my cast off yesterday!
Thalia: That's great! I figured out Einstein's theory of relativity!
Lily: Awesome! I reached cheese nirvana*!
Ashley: I read a book!
(Ginny, Thalia, and Lily's jaws drop open)
Ashley: What, it was about a girl who went to the mall and couldn't decide what to buy!
Thalia: Now that makes sense!
Lily: You know, we never did get to go bowling...
Ginny: That's right!
Ashley: Sure, we'll go. But first, we have to buy bowling outfits and shoes! That rental stuff makes me hurl up all my caviar!
Thalia: Okay, but we don't want to have anymore accidents, so I'M driving.
Ashley, Lily, and Ginny: Agreed!
At the Bowling Alley:

Thalia: (bowls) Yes! strike!
(I'm tired of writing all their names, so I'm just gonna write this)
Everyone Else: Nice! (claps)
Lily: (bowls) O ya! Strike!
Everyone Else: Awesome! (claps)
Ashley: (bowls) TRIPLE STRIKE!
Everyone Else: Cool! (claps)
Ginny: (starts to bowl, but drops ball on foot)
Ginny: OW!!!!
Everyone Else: OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!
*nirvana means "state of perfect peace"

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chapter 3,Part One: Annabelle Comes Home

When Bob found out what the note said, she freaked out and ran around her palace screaming, "He's gone!!!!! He's gone!!!!" and then she cried her heart out.
Poor, poor Bob.
2 days l8r
Bob was sitting in the woods... when she saw a white stallion! (actually,it was a sheep) And... Annabelle was in it with a woman!!!!!!!!!! Wait a minute, A WOMAN???
Bobs jaw just dropped open...

Read part 2!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Story

Hey guys... I'm starting a new story about four friends:
Ashley: the dumb and spoiled one,
Thalia: the smart and sensible one,
Lily: the funny and weird one,and
Ginny: the fun and accident-prone one
Yes, this was another story from a sleepover... but is one is WAY more normal... so ya

Monday, July 27, 2009

Writers Block

Hi guys... I probably won't be posting chapter 3... as the title says, I have writers block!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Chapter 2: The Note

What will happen 2 Bob and Annabelle? Find out rite now!
Let's look @ Bob's story:
"WAAAHHHH!!!!!!! WHY DID HE LIE TO ME? WHY? WHY? WHY??????" Then, Bob came 2 her senses... kinda. "Why don't I just forgive him! That's a great idea. You're a genius Bob, a true genuis!" (shes not rlly a genius, but i think u would know that)
So Bob went to the woods to forgive Annabelle... and HE WASN'T THERE! :( :( :( :( All he left was a note... "A note!" said Bob. She ran and picked it up. The note said:
I'm sorry I lied to you. I promise you I'll make it up to you. In the meantime, I can't tell you where I am... it's very confidential. Just live normally, don't go looking for me. I'll be back soon, I promise. I hope we can still be best friends...
I'll see you when I see you, Bob
Well, that note left Bob speechless... Cuz she can't read! "Im gonna have to get my royal storyreader to read this for me!" And with that, she left, skipping all the way home.

Where IS Annabelle?
How will Bob react when she finnaly knows wat the note says?

Find out in Chapter 3!!!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chapter 1:The Truth

Ok. heres chapter one of bob and annabelle:
So Bob and Annabelle were walking in the same woods where they met. Bob said, "Hey, Annabelle, y dont we go 2 your palace?" "Um... we can't." Annabelle replied. "But Annabelle, we never go 2 your house. Y???" "Because... it's being vacuumed." That was Annabelle. "Oh, ok!" (did i mention that Bob isnt the smartest person on Earth?)
The Next Day
"Oh, Annabelle! Our house caught on fire! Now we have no place to stay, and we need help! Please let us stay at your place... at least until we find someplace else! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Bob started crying. "Oh, Bob, don't cry." So now Annabelle started crying. "Just tell me why!"Bob said. "Okay. The truth is I'm not a prince, OKAY!!" Bob gasped. "Why would you lie to me like that?" Bob ran away... far, far away.

What will happen to Bob and Annabelle's friendship?
FInd out in Chapter 2!

Prolouge... (I no, same post as my other blog... just a recap)

Hi ppls. This is my story. Hope u like it! This is a friendship story of Bob and Annabelle. (remember, Bob's a girl and Annabelle's a boy) One day, Bob was frolicking in the woods, picking flowers for her mother. "Mother will love this bouquet of daises, roses, and tulips! Heee heeee heee!" (that's Bob's famous laugh) Suddenly, a guy came up to her and said "Please be my friend! I need one so much, that i even asked a random deer! Please, please please! I'm on my knees!" "Um, okay. But who are you?" "I am Prince Annabelle! The prince with... NO FRIENDS!!!!!" He started crying. "Oh, don't cry." Bob handed him her hankie. It had a 'blow nose here' label, so Annabelle blew his nose on it. "Tanks." he said. (His voice was stuffy from crying) "Um... you can keep it. It has... SNOT! Hee he he!" Bob said. After an awkward silence, Bob said, "Um, why don't you get cleaned up at my palace?" "Otay." (voice STILL stuffy) That's how Bob and Annabelle met. It's kinda an intro... so anyway,

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hi guys!

This is my second blog... it's mainly my stories. The story of Princess Bob and Princess Annabelle shall continue here! And I'll be doing 2 or 3 stories at a time, so if u have any ideas, please send me a comment. Thanks!
