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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Prolouge... (I no, same post as my other blog... just a recap)

Hi ppls. This is my story. Hope u like it! This is a friendship story of Bob and Annabelle. (remember, Bob's a girl and Annabelle's a boy) One day, Bob was frolicking in the woods, picking flowers for her mother. "Mother will love this bouquet of daises, roses, and tulips! Heee heeee heee!" (that's Bob's famous laugh) Suddenly, a guy came up to her and said "Please be my friend! I need one so much, that i even asked a random deer! Please, please please! I'm on my knees!" "Um, okay. But who are you?" "I am Prince Annabelle! The prince with... NO FRIENDS!!!!!" He started crying. "Oh, don't cry." Bob handed him her hankie. It had a 'blow nose here' label, so Annabelle blew his nose on it. "Tanks." he said. (His voice was stuffy from crying) "Um... you can keep it. It has... SNOT! Hee he he!" Bob said. After an awkward silence, Bob said, "Um, why don't you get cleaned up at my palace?" "Otay." (voice STILL stuffy) That's how Bob and Annabelle met. It's kinda an intro... so anyway,

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