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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Chapter 2: The Note

What will happen 2 Bob and Annabelle? Find out rite now!
Let's look @ Bob's story:
"WAAAHHHH!!!!!!! WHY DID HE LIE TO ME? WHY? WHY? WHY??????" Then, Bob came 2 her senses... kinda. "Why don't I just forgive him! That's a great idea. You're a genius Bob, a true genuis!" (shes not rlly a genius, but i think u would know that)
So Bob went to the woods to forgive Annabelle... and HE WASN'T THERE! :( :( :( :( All he left was a note... "A note!" said Bob. She ran and picked it up. The note said:
I'm sorry I lied to you. I promise you I'll make it up to you. In the meantime, I can't tell you where I am... it's very confidential. Just live normally, don't go looking for me. I'll be back soon, I promise. I hope we can still be best friends...
I'll see you when I see you, Bob
Well, that note left Bob speechless... Cuz she can't read! "Im gonna have to get my royal storyreader to read this for me!" And with that, she left, skipping all the way home.

Where IS Annabelle?
How will Bob react when she finnaly knows wat the note says?

Find out in Chapter 3!!!!!

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