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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Chapter 3, Part 2: Mrs.Annabelle

Annabelle stepped down from his sheep and said to Bob, "I have arrived!" "IS THAT WHO I THINK IT IS??" Bob said. "Oh, sorry. Let me introduce you to Mrs. Annabelle! We got married!" Annabelle said. "Introduce yourself, honey!" Mrs. Annabelle's jaw was just dropped open, almost like Bob's...

"HOW DARE YOU MARRY HER!?!?!? SHE'S A.... A... PEASANT!" Bob exclaimed. "OH NO U DIDNT!" Mrs.Annabelle said. "Honey?" "Yes, my little pumkin?" Annabelle said. Mrs.Annabelle came closer to him, and seemed to be whispering something in his ear. Instead she shouted, "HOW DARE YOU BEFRIEND THIS DISCRACE TO SOCIETY!?!?!" "Excuse me?" Bob said. "I'm not the one who-" "WHAT'S GOING ON!?!?" Annabelle shouted. "Uh, Annabelle?" said Bob. "Could I talk to you for a minute or two in the forest?" "Uh... sure"Annabelle said. "Don't take to long honey..." Mrs. Annabelle said,"you might turn into one of HIM!"

Once in the forest, Annabelle hissed, "What do you have against my WIFE?" Bob said,"Okay, the truth is..." she hesitated. "She's my sister." "Your WHAT?" Annabelle was shocked. "It's true." said Bob. "She genetically similar to me! Waah!" Bob started crying. "Bob, you know that when you cry I cry... and i want to look MANLY in front of my wife... please stop!" Annabelle said, trying not to cry. Bob suddenly stopped crying. "Alright. Would u like this story in flashback or real life?" Annabelle said, "Hmmm, that's a toughie. But I think I'll go with real life."

Bob began telling her story. "Well, it all started when we lived in the same palace. Mom always liked... Tiffany more! I did have dad, but he named me Bob! so all my life I was made fun of because i had a boys name... and tiffany, she would always get all the attention. she would be smart, I would be dumb. she would be the most popular princess in school, i would always be the most unpopular princess in school. its always been tiffany this, tiffany that, AND I WAS SICK OF IT! So, on my 20th birthday, when a princess is old enough to live on her own, i ran away! and then i met you, and i took u to my palace, and then you told me u actually weren't a prince, and then u married my sister, and then i called u into the forest and told u my story and... oh, look here we are!"

Annabelle said, "Well, now that we're telling secrets... I have a confession to make." "What is it?" Bob said. "The reason I married your... sister."


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