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Friday, July 31, 2009

Episode One: Bowling

Ok, this is the story we wrote at the sleepover, so credit goes to:
Me, Michella Brown,
My sis, Lily Montez,
and Thalia's sis, Amy Cahill.

Ok so this story's format is a bit different. You'll see how; just read on!

Ginny: Let's all go bowling together! I'll drive!
Thalia,Ashley, and Lily: Okay!
(the three of them go to the car and get in)
Ashley: Hey, Ginny! You haven't fallen the whole day!
Ginny: Well, there are some days where I don't fall.
(Thalia, Ashley, and Lily's jaws drop)
Ginny: Okay, so I fall everyday... but maybe I won't today! Ahh! (falls in car)
Ginny: Oh, my arm!
Thalia: Her arm looks pretty bad!
Ashley: You're telling me! That watch is SO last year!
Thalia: I'm gonna call 911 on my brand new cell phone!
Lily: And I'll calm her down. How about u , Ashley?
Ashley: I'm gonna listen to my iPod! I just got a new song yesterday! (starts singing along)
Thalia: Shh! They're on!
Ginny: OH , THE PAIN!!
Lily: It's okay, Ginny. Just think of mac and cheese. that always makes me feel better. soon, you'll reach cheese nirvana*! (starts meditating) Ohm! Cheese! Ohm!
(Ambulance comes and takes Ginny away in a stretcher)
Ashley: (runs after them)Wait! If you're taking her away, buy her some new clothes! Take my wallet!
2 weeks later at school:

(Thalia, Ashley, and Lily are talking)

Ginny: (runs up to them) Hey guys! I got my cast off yesterday!
Thalia: That's great! I figured out Einstein's theory of relativity!
Lily: Awesome! I reached cheese nirvana*!
Ashley: I read a book!
(Ginny, Thalia, and Lily's jaws drop open)
Ashley: What, it was about a girl who went to the mall and couldn't decide what to buy!
Thalia: Now that makes sense!
Lily: You know, we never did get to go bowling...
Ginny: That's right!
Ashley: Sure, we'll go. But first, we have to buy bowling outfits and shoes! That rental stuff makes me hurl up all my caviar!
Thalia: Okay, but we don't want to have anymore accidents, so I'M driving.
Ashley, Lily, and Ginny: Agreed!
At the Bowling Alley:

Thalia: (bowls) Yes! strike!
(I'm tired of writing all their names, so I'm just gonna write this)
Everyone Else: Nice! (claps)
Lily: (bowls) O ya! Strike!
Everyone Else: Awesome! (claps)
Ashley: (bowls) TRIPLE STRIKE!
Everyone Else: Cool! (claps)
Ginny: (starts to bowl, but drops ball on foot)
Ginny: OW!!!!
Everyone Else: OH NO!!!!!!!!!!!
*nirvana means "state of perfect peace"

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