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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chapter 1:The Truth

Ok. heres chapter one of bob and annabelle:
So Bob and Annabelle were walking in the same woods where they met. Bob said, "Hey, Annabelle, y dont we go 2 your palace?" "Um... we can't." Annabelle replied. "But Annabelle, we never go 2 your house. Y???" "Because... it's being vacuumed." That was Annabelle. "Oh, ok!" (did i mention that Bob isnt the smartest person on Earth?)
The Next Day
"Oh, Annabelle! Our house caught on fire! Now we have no place to stay, and we need help! Please let us stay at your place... at least until we find someplace else! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE,PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Bob started crying. "Oh, Bob, don't cry." So now Annabelle started crying. "Just tell me why!"Bob said. "Okay. The truth is I'm not a prince, OKAY!!" Bob gasped. "Why would you lie to me like that?" Bob ran away... far, far away.

What will happen to Bob and Annabelle's friendship?
FInd out in Chapter 2!