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Friday, June 25, 2010

The All About Thalia Play: Part 2

Hope u guys liked the first part!

Thursday with Analise:

Analise: Don't worry, Thalia. Falling is much easier than all the other skills that the other girls have. If you do it often enough, it doesn't hurt! The first thing you should learn is how to trip over your own feet. take one step forward. Then take a step with another foot, but DON'T move your foot that your first stepped with. (demonstrates)

Thalia: (trys and succeeds) That was easy, but painful. i don't think this is worth it.

Analise: Don't worry; I have a soft matress for you to practice on. I stopped using it when I was four because I got so good at falling.

Thalia: (trips herself five times on the matress) This is pointless and boring.

Analise: Next, I'll show you how to crash into walls! Come and talk to me about something to distract me.

Thalia: Well, in China, Empress Wu ruled during the Tang dynasty. She ruled really harshly, but she brought prosperity to China. Something that was invented during the Tang dynasty was-

Analise: (crashed into wall)

Thalia: Oh gosh, are you alright?

Analise: (gets up) Of course I'm alright! You try!

Thalia: No thanks, I like my bones better than my image. Good bye! (leaves)

Friday with Alexa:

Alexa: I'm going to take you to my favorite place in the world!

Thalia: Which is...?

Alexa: The hand sanitizer factory!

Thalia: This is going to be a LONG day!

(Ella comes inside)

Ella Pure: Welcome, Alexa!

(Ella and Alexa put hand sanitizer on and shake hands.)

Alexa: This is my friend, Thalia.

Ella: Thalia! Welcome! I'm Ella Pure.

Thalia: (offers hand to shake)

Ella: Uh, no.

Thalia: Oh, I get it! YOur name is Ella Pure. You own the trademark Purell. It's your last name ccombined with your first! Thus, Ella Pure was made into Purell!

Ella: Um, yes, I suppose.

Alexa: Shall we go inside?

Thalia: Okay.

(they go inside)

Ella: And here, we mix together all the ingredients to create a protection miracle.

Thalia: Don't you put water, ethyl alcohol, and fragrance?

Ella: Yes, and we also add isopropyl alcohol, aminomethyl propanol, and tocopheryl acetate.

Thalia: But tocopheryl acetate is known to cause cancer!

Ella: Yes, but not skin cancer; lung cancer.

Thalia: But what if someone swallows it???

Ella: Don't worry, you'll probably die before the lung cancer happens.

Thalia: I'm never using your brand again! I'm leaving! (turns to go)

Ella: Wait! Before you leave, do you want a box of sanitizer?


Ella: That's a horrible insult.

Alexa: I'm so sorry, Ella. But I'll take the boxes. Thanks! (leaves with the boxes)

Sunday at Thalia's house:

Thalia: I've decided that I'm going to be-

Everyone else: Me!

Thalia: -myself.

Everyone else: I told you- oh.

Thalia: I guess everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes, Ashley has her bad hair days, Ginny has her out-of-shape days, Analise has her graceful days, Alexa has her dirty days, and Lily has her unspiritual days. I've had that one dumb day, which I hope never happens again.

Monday at school:

Teacher: Thalia, I accidentally made a mistake in grading your test. You got an A+.

Everyone except Thalia: WHAT??!!

Thalia: (faints in relief)

Analise: Good fall!


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