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Thursday, April 8, 2010

The All About Thalia Play: Part 1

Teacher: You all did very well on the test you took last week... with one exception.

Thalia: I bet i got an A+!

(Teacher hands Thalia her test back)

Thalia: AN A-!?!?!?!?!?!? This must be a mistake!

Teacher: Class dismissed.


Thalia's house

(Thalia sits alone)

(doorbell rings)

Thalia: (sad voice) Come in...

(all except Ashley come in)

Lilly: Thalia, what's wrong?

Ginny: Yeah, you look down in the dumps today.

Analise: You look like me when I fall. Aah! (falls)

Alexa: Would hand sanitizer make you feel better? I always feel better when I'm protected from germs.

Thalia: I got an A- on that History test we got back today.

Ashley: (runs in) Guess what? I got a C+ on that History test we got back today! I'm so happy!

Thalia: I've given up being smart. I got an A- on that test. I need a new image.

Everyone except Thalia: I'll teach you to be more like me! (group starts arguing)

Thalia: (claps hands) Girls, girls, calm down! How about starting Monday I spend a day with each of you, and you can teach me how to be like you. Then, I'll decide which personality I like best.

Everyone Else: I call Monday! (group starts arguing)

Thalia: How about we go in reverse alphabetical order.

Lily: I'm glad this is my day with you Thallia... and I went first!

Thalia: Ok... Where are we going anyway?

Lily: I'm taking you to a place where nobody has set foot in before. The path of Icecream Enlightenment.

(They climb a tall, steep mountain)

Guru: Welcome to my land of icecream nirvana enlightenment. Lily, come show me what you have learned.

Lily: Yes, oh guru of icecream enlightenment.

(both go into deep meditation)

Guru: That was refreshing. And who is your friend? Does she want to learn the nirvana?

Thalila: Um, sure madam.

(Guru gasps)

Lily: You can only call her Master or Guru.

Thalia: Sorry, master. (takes a deep bow)

Guru: You sit down. Then close your eyes. And say Ohm.

(Thalila trys, but can't say Ohm correctly)

Guru: You hurt my ears too much. Go away and never come back.

Thalia: I knew I was too dumb.

Lily: It's okay. I can be your guru.

Thalia: I don't feel like bowing to you. Bye.

(Tuesday afternoon)

Thalia: What are we going to do today, Ginny?

Ginny: We are going to do excercise with my health instuctor, Coach Stone.

Thalia: Okay, then...

Coach Stone: (loud voice) Welcome, Ginny! Who's this weak friend you've got here?

Ginny: This is Thalia. She's spending the day with me.

Coach Stone: Okay. Even if you do look like a deflated baloon, I think you have potential. Protien shake?

(Coach Stone gives her a glass)

Thalia: (drinks) Eww! (spits out) What did you put in here?

Coach Stone: The usual: raw eggs, nails, and a little fat free milk. But that's just for flavor. It's not supposed to be like that.

Thalia: Well, okay...

Ginny: (takes a big sip) Isn't it great?

Coach Stone: Great source of protien!

(both laugh)

Coach Stone: Alright, let's get to excercise! Ginny, why don't you go teach your little friend some of our excercises?

Ginny: Sure thing, coach! Come on, Thalia!

(they do warmups and run)

Two hours later:

Thalia: (out of breath) Are we done yet?

Ginny: No way! We still need to run a couple of laps!

Thalia: Can we just go home?

Ginny: If we jog there... (starts running)

Thalia: OH! (runs after Ginny)

Wednesday afternoon:

Thalia: What are we doing today?

Ashley: We're going shopping. What else?

Thalia: I should have known. I'm so dumb.

Ashley: Don't be silly. No one is dumber than me.

(they enter the mall)

Ashley: I want to introduce you to my personal clothing assistant, Vandoughdoubledeckerbus Smith.

Thalia: Hello, Ms. Smith.

DD: Please, call me DD.

Thalia: Don't you mean Double D, or 2(d) or D squared or...

DD: No, no no, DD is fine.

(Ashley takes Thalia aside)

Ashley: What did you thing you were doing?

Thalia: Trying to act cool.

Ashley: Well, it's not working. To really look cool, you have to wear these (points to pants)

Thalia: What are those?

Ashley: Skinny jeans.

Thalia: That looks awful for the circulation in your legs.

Ashley: Pish posh. DD, find something that's her style.

(DD takes measures)

DD: Hmmm, hmmm, hmmm. This will really make her eyes pop out.

Thalia: I don't want my eyes to pop out!

Ashley: Not literally!

Thalia: Do you even know what that means?

Ashley: No... (looks at outfit) That? That's ugly. How about this? (holds up outfit)

Thalia: Ewwwww! This is not working. I like the first one though.

Ashley: You have no taste! You're so dumb! (winces) Oops...

Thalia: I know...

(Ashley and Thalia leave)

DD: You know, I kinda like D squared. It's catchy.

Part 2 comin' soon!!!

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