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Sunday, April 4, 2010

The all about Ginny play (not a very good title, I know)

If you're confused about who the characters are, look 2 the left

Ginny: NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!

Nurse: I'm sorry. You have a fever of 103. You will have to go home. I will call your parents

Ginny: The horror!!!

Ashley: You are SO lucky! I wish I could go home. I hate school.

Thalia: You know what? The type of illness is the influenza. You should take Ammoxicylin and Ogmentin. It should cure your high fever, sore throat, hedache, cough, etc. Just make sure you do not get in contact with contaminated objects to keep it from spreading. Also, get plenty of rest and follow your doctor's recommendations.

Alexa: Also, make sure to use a lot of hand sanitizer! (looks at Thalia) Wait... you are not her doctor, so should she follow your advice?

Ashley: She knows a bunch of science-y stuff, so she technically is a doctor.

Nurse: I have not called you here to socialize! You told me that you were her sisters and you were worried!

All except nurse: Um, yeah... about that...

Analise: Run!

Ginny: I wish I could run!


Lily: Phew! Yesterday was a close one! I can't belive we had to lie about being Ginny's sisters just to see her.

Ashley: I'm just surprised the nurse actually belived us! I mean, what kind of person has 5 sisters?

Analise: Oh, this is awful. Ginny must feel so guilty about missing her sports practices.

Thalia: Ginny's teams couldn't do with one person absent. We have to fill in for Ginny for each of her sports. We aren't great athletes, but we have to do our best.

Ashley: I can't do that! Sport clothing is UGG-LY!

Alexa: But we owe it to her. Remember when she helped us?

All: (thinking) Mmm, no.

Lily: Actually, I remember that she tried to help Thalia find a new identity as an athlete.

Thalis: That didn't work, though.

Alexa: Whatever! (inspirational music plays while she's talking) She's our friend. We are her best friends and we should always help her out when she needs it.

(Ashley and Analise leave)

Alexa: (doesn't notice) As they say,'A friend in need is a friend indeed' and Ginny is a friend in need, so we should help her, indeed!

(Thalia leaves)

Alexa: It is our duty to help her. Why be so selfish as to think of ourselves? So I say, my fellow friends, ask not what a friend can do for you, but what you can do for your friend!

Lily: (applauding) Beautiful! Just beautiful! (wipes away tears and blows her nose)


Alexa: Hello, my name is Alexa Cleen. That is spelled C-L-E-E-N, okay? Okay. I would shake your hand, but I bet it's full of germs, so I won't. I am here to fill in for Ginny Fitt: captain of the basketball team. That's G-I-N-N--

Coach Stone: I know. Okay... Well, Ms. I'm-So-Clean. why don't you show me what you got.

Alexa: Okay!

(picks up ball, then drops it)

Alexa: Ewwwww! This is so germy!!! I... need... SANITIZER!!!

Coach Stone: Well, too bad. You will have to pick it up, and SHOOT!

Alexa: Okay... (puts on gloves and throws, misses by 10 feet) How did I do?

Coach Stone: (in shock) You... you... you...

Alexa: I know. I am that good, aren't I.

Coach Stone: You... SUCK! You suck like burnt eggs on a warm summer's day! Go away! I can't stand to see your face! Out! OUT!

(Alexa runs away)


Lily: Hello! My name is Lily Ome. That's O-M-E. I'm here to fill in for Ginny Fitt. That's G-I-N-N--

Coach Stone: For crying out loud, I know the spelling of my best player's name!! What happened to her anyway? Pneumonia? Heart failure?

Lily: She has the flu.

Coach Stone: Ah, the flu. Athletes never get sick... that is, until they get the flu. It's just horror! (shivers)

Lily: Um... okay. I'm here to fill Ginny's position for the volleyball team.

Coach Stone: Alright, show me what you've got.

Lily: WAIT! I must meditate. (starts mediating) Ohm... volleyball. Ohm...

(Coach Stone throws ball, hits Lily's head.)

Lily: Ow... Ohm... volleyball. Ohm...(ball hits her again) Ow... Ohm... (ball hits her again) Stop...

Coach Stone: Girl, in order to play volleyball, you must stand and keep your eyes open at all times. You suck... like burnt eggs on a warm summer's day!

Lily: Fine! (goes home)


Ashley: Hey! I'm Ashley Rich. That's R- (pauses) Ich! I'm here to fill in for Ginny Fitt. That's G- (pauses) Inny!

Coach Stone: For God's sake, I KNOW HOW TO SPELL GINNY'S NAME!

Ashley: (looking at nails) Huh? You were saying something?

Coach Stone: Oh, whatever. You're here for the track and feild tryouts, right?

Ashley: I guess. Thalia sort of forced me to come here.

Coach Stone: Just start running.

(Ashley starts running, Coach Stone times it.)

Coach Stone: 15 seconds! How did you go so fast?

Ashley: Duh! The sales at the mall, like, always get SO crowded! I HAVE to get there first. How else to get there but run?

Coach Stone: Amazing! Now if you'll just wear this uniform... (shows her clothing)

Ashley: (eyes wide) But... that's... pol- pol- POLYESTER!

(Ashley screams and runs away)


Thalia: Hi, Coach Stone. I'm Thalia Einstein. That's T-H-A-L-I-A E-I-N-S-T-E-I-N. I'm substituting for Ginny Fitt. That's G-I-N-N-Y F-I-T-T. Wait, you should know that spelling.

Coach Boulder: I'm Coach Stone's mother, Coach Boulder! (echoes) Now, you're here for baseball tryouts, so take this bat. I'll pitch the ball to you, and see if you can hit it.

Thalia: Okay, Coach Boulder (echoes). (whispers to herself) Now, if I hit at this trajectory angle... (coach throws ball, and Thalia misses)

Thalia: Oh, gosh! How did the trajectort angle formula not work?

Coach Boulder: We don't care about projectary bangles or any of that garbage! Just hit the ball!

Thalia: It's trajectory angle!

Coach Boulder: Well, you suck like rotten eggs on a boiling summer's day, anyway. Bye!


Analise: Hi, Coach Stone. I'm Analise Tripp. That's A-N-A-L-I-S-E- T-R-I-P-P. I'm here to take the place of Ginny Fitt. That's G-I-N-N-Y F-I-T-T-. Wait, you should know that spelling.

Coach Mountain: I'm Coach Stone's grandma, Coach Mountain!(scream, dramatic music) Now you're here for soccer tryouts, so take this ball and KICK IT!

Analise: Okay, Coach Mountain. (scream, dramatic music) (Analise kicks the ball and trips repeatedly three times) Ugghh, I can't do it!

Coach Mountain: No... you can't! You suck like rancid eggs in a volcano on the sun! LEAVE ME!!

Analise: AAHHH!!!! (trip)


(at Ginny's house)

All: Ginny! You have to come back to school and your sports!

Ginny: No way! I don't wanna get up. It's fun relaxing.

Lily: But it's your destiny to play sports.

Alexa: It's like my destiny to wash my hands.

Analise: Or my destiny to fall.

Lily: Or my destiny to meditate.

Ashley: Or my destiny to shop for expensive things, unlike cheap-o polyester!

Coach Stone: And my destiny to coach people.

Everyone except Coach Stone and Ginny: Coach Stone!!?? (run)

Ginny: I don't wanna get up.

Coach Stone: If you don't get up, you will become fat and lazy. Also, I will never make you one of my protein shakes ever again! And... I WILL FORGET THE SPELLING OF YOUR NAME!

Ginny: No, Coach Stone! Never!

Coach Stone: Then come back. Do it for Coach Boulder (echoes), Coach Mountain (scream, dramatic music), and me... Hey, where's my sound effect?

Coach Boulder: Don't you know? You don't have one!

Coach Mountain: But you will earn one.

Coach Boulder: (inspirational music plays) With all your loyalyt... and hard work... to show Ginny's true talent... you have earned the divine right... to have sound effects!

Coach Stone: So, what's my sound effect?

Coach Mountain: COACH STONE! (little girl sings la, la la, la ,la)

Coach Stone: What? That doesn't even sound threatening at all! (sits down and sighs) Hey! This feels good! I don't wanna get up!

Ginny: I DO! (gets up, runs) I'M FREE!!!!!!

The End :)

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