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Friday, October 2, 2009

Episode 2 part 2: Granola!

The next day @ school:

(The group's talking)

Principal: (goes up to them) Girls, we have a huge problem! Someone sprayed graphitti on the walls!

(Everyone gasps... except Ashley.)

Ashley: Why would someone spray cereal on the walls?

Thalia: Not granola, Ashley!

Lily: Maybe we should examine the wall.

Ginny: Good idea.

(they all go to examine the wall)

Lily: Wow! This person did a lot of graphitti.... we should clean it up.

Alex: Yeah. We should also take some paint to show the guy at the paint store.

Ashley: I have to clean in THIS outfit!?!?!?! (groans)

(they all clean as hard as they can... except for Ashley)

Ginny: Wow! That took a lot out of me! Right, guys?

Everyone (but Ashley): (out of breath) Yup.

Ashley: (eating granola) You were saying something?

Alex: What are you doing?

Ashley: I'm eating graphitti, DUH!

Everyone else: GRANOLA!!!!!

(they all start walking 2 the paint store.)

At the paint store:

Alex: Can you tell us who bought this paint? (shows him the paint sample)

Paint Guy: Umm... I can't disclose that 2 u rite now, missy. But I can tell u one thing: he's your age with long hair.

Lily: Hmm... let's check the yearbook!

Jeniffer: OK. Lets go to my house.

(everyone starts walking)

At Jeniffers House:

Thalia: (looking at yearbook) Oh, there he is! In the science section!

Jeniffer: (looks) Matthew Brown...

Ginny: Lets go to school and show Mr. Hennings (principal) the PROOF!
Alex: OK!
Ashley: Can we get some graphitti on the way?
Everyone else: GRANOLA!!!!!!!!!!
(they start walking to the school. ashley sees a sale sign.)
Ashley: Thalia, can I go to the sale? please, please, PLEASE??? (tugs on Thalia's sleeve)
Thalia: No, you can't go right now. You have the yearbook and the paint sample, so you're important in this thing.
Ashley: Please?
Ashley: (sticks out tounge at Thalia, drops yearbook and paint, and starts walking towards the sale)
At school:
Lily: Mr. Hennings! We found out the culprit!
Mr. Hennings: That's great, girls! Who is it?
Alex: Matthew Brown!
Ginny: The guy at the paint shop said the guy who bought the paint had long hair...
Jeniffer:... and the only guy with long hair in our school is Matthew!
Mr. Hennings: All this is wonderful, girls.... but you dont have any proof, so I can't belive you.
Thalia: But we do! Ashley, show him the yearbook and the paint reciept.
Lily: Where's Ashley?
Thalia: Oh, no! she must have gone to that sale!
Mr. Hennings: If you'll excuse me, I have more important things to do. (walks away)
Ginny: We have to go find her! Thalia and I will go, and Alex and Lily will watch for her if she comes back.
At wherever Ashley's at:
???????: I've got you now now, Ashley!
Ashley: no! NO! NO!!!!!!!!
Where's Ashley?
Who's ??????? ?
Will Thalia and Ginny find her?
Find out in part 3!!!!! :) :)