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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

TAGLAA breakup!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here it is!! Hope u like it :D

Voice: Previously, on TAGLAA:
(everyone enters)
Ashley: Your dad…shut down my dad’s…company?
Alexa: (speechless)
Voice: Well, that certainly spiced things up between TAGLAA! Let’s see what happened right after Ashley said that…
Ashley: Tell me the truth, Alexa!
Alexa: (looks at her)…it’s true. But, I didn’t know it was my dad who-
Ashley: That doesn’t matter! You betrayed me and TAGLAA!
Alexa: Ashley, it isn’t like that! I didn’t even know it was my dad who shut Apple down until I read that newspaper article!
Ginny: She’s right, Ashley. It’s not her fault if she didn’t know!
Alexa: Yeah! If I did know, which I didn’t, I would totally tell my dad not to shut Apple down!
Thalia: I’m sorry, Alexa and Ginny, but… you know, I-
Ginny: Whatever, Thalia! Like you think Ashley’s right! You have to admit, she’s wrong!
Lily: (shouting) Guys, can you just stop-
Ashley: I’m the one who had to suffer a three-bedroom home, a department store, a public pool, meditation, and STUDYING because of her! (points at Alexa)
Analise: Ashley, Alexa, please-
Alexa: No, Analise! This is between me and Ashley! (looks at Ashley) Look, if you don’t believe me, then maybe we can’t be friends anymore!
Ashley: I agree!
Analise and Lily: No guys, don’t!
(Ashley leaves, Thalia follows. Alexa leaves, Ginny follows.)
Lily: Analise, we can’t let TAGLAA break up!
Analise: You’re right! We have to solve this right now!
Lily: Right. It’ll be just you and me. Team AL.
Analise: Our mission: Get TAGLAA back together.
(they high-five and leave the stage)
At the bowling alley:
Thalia: (is bowling) Now, Ashley, I’m sure you’re familiar with Newton’s laws of motion. The first law states…(keeps talking)
Lily: (hiding behind a bowling ball) (whispers) Analise, there they are!
Analise: (looks at bowling ball with wide eyes)
Lily: What’s wrong? Hide!
Analise: I…can’t. A bowling ball broke my foot last time we were here, remember?
Lily: Oh, yeah. Just hide behind me.
Analise: Okay. (hides)
Thalia: (demonstrating) So, You are exercising Newton’s 2nd law when you roll the ball. (rolls ball) While the ball is in motion, traveling towards the pins, you are seeing Newton’s 1st law in action. (ball hits pins) And when the ball hits the pins, you are seeing Newton’s 3rd law in action, which makes the pins fall over and the ball slow down.
Ashley: (takes ear buds out of her ears) Hmm? Were you saying something, Thalia?
Thalia: (sees ear buds, sighs) When will you ever be as smart as you were back in the day?
Ashley: You mean yesterday?
Thalia: Yeah…
Lily: Well, nothing to see here. Let’s see what Alexa and Ginny are up to.
Analise: Will do! I can’t wait to get out of this… (looks at bowling ball) haunted place.
(they leave)
With Alexa and Ginny:
(loud music playing, Alexa and Ginny dancing)
(Analise and Lily are already in there)
Analise: I love this song! Oh yeah! Do the fall! Do the fall! (falls and gets up again)
Lily: (concentrating hard) Ohm, ohm, ohm, OHM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (groans) I CAN’T CONCENTRATE!!!
Analise: Just relax…and dance! (continues “the fall”)
Lily: Can we just go? We still haven’t thought of a plan!
Analise: But why???
Lily: (drags her out)
Analise: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alexa: (looks around) Did you just hear Analise scream?
Ginny: No…
Alexa: Oh, must have been in my head then. (continues dancing)
With Lily and Analise:
(Lily’s meditating, Analise’s pacing)
Analise: What should we do??????
Lily: I don’t know…I’ve been meditating my head off, but the spirits don’t have anything to offer!
Analise: Well, since honesty is the best policy…why don’t we just talk to them? You could talk to Ashley and Thalia, and I’ll talk to Ginny and Alexa!
Lily: Sure! First thing tomorrow morning!
Next day:
(Ginny and Alexa are reading)
Analise: (walks in, nervously) Hi, guys…
Alexa: (looks up, smiles) Oh, hey Analise!
Ginny: (looks up) (scoots) Have a seat!
Analise: Thanks… (sits between them)
Ginny: So, what’s up?
Analise: Well, it’s kinda about this argument….
Alexa and Ginny: You wanna join our side??
Analise: Um, no. I don’t want to have to join sides… there shouldn’t be any sides between the six of us, don’t you think?
Alexa and Ginny: (glare at her)
Analise: Umm, I guess not. Well, just hear me out. TAGLAA has been friends since preschool, and we shouldn’t break up. We’ve helped each other out in every situation…I just don’t think it should end now, you know? Our friendship’s too strong for that… I mean, I’m sure you can think of at least 5 times Ashley and Thalia have helped you.
Alexa: (thinks, counts with fingers) Thalia, yes, but Ashley…NO.
Ginny: Yup, me too. In fact, Analise, what you just said… you inspired me!
Analise: (hopeful) To forgive Thalia and Ashley?
Ginny: (laughs) No. You inspired me…to go along with this breakup! I was beginning to have second thoughts….but you just cleared that up, Analise! Thank you!
Analise: No, that wasn’t the point-
Alexa: You’re brilliant, Analise!
Analise: (sighs) I tried…(begins to leave)
Alexa: Analise, wait!
Analise: (turns around)
Alexa: Were you there last night at the Just Dance club?
Analise: No…
Alexa: That’s weird. I thought I heard you scream.
Analise: Uh, uh…(runs away)
With Ashley and Thalia:
Ashley: (reading a textbook upside-down) Thalia, this thing is broken!
Thalia: (sighs deeply and fixes it)
Ashley: (gasps as she reads) Wow, Thalia! You have the skills of a true magician!
Lily: (enters)
Thalia: Good evening, Lily. Have a seat.
Ashley: Hey, Lily. What’s up?
Lily: Well, it’s kind of about the argument…
Ashley and Thalia: You want to join our side?
Lily: No…I want all six of us to be on the same side again.
Ashley: Nuh-uh, not working.
Thalia: I agree. What’s done is done.
Lily: Well, just listen. (looks at Ashley) Remember that day in second grade we realized our names make up TAGLAA?
Ashley: Yeah…
Lily: And a week later, you went and bought us these? (holds up her wrist)
Ashley: (thinks)
(everyone except Ashley is talking, reading, etc.)
Ashley: (enters) I have a present for all of you!
Thalia: Books?
Lily: A yoga mat?
Analise: A mattress to cushion my falls?
Alexa: Hand sanitizer?
Ginny: A basketball?
Ashley: No… (holds up the bracelets) FRIENDSHIP BRACELETS!!!! (hands them to everyone, everyone puts them on) Hands in.
(everyone stands in a circle and puts the hand with the bracelet in the center.
Thalia: T!
Ashley: A!
Ginny: G!
Lily: L!
Analise: A!
Alexa: A!
Everyone: TAGLAA! (puts hands in the air)
Ashley: Friends forever?
Everyone else: FOREVER!!! (they all hug)
*end of flashback*
Thalia: That was a good day.
Lily: Yeah…do you really want to ruin it by breaking up? I mean, how many times has Alexa or Ginny been rude to you?
Thalia: Approximately 37.
Ashley: I can’t count that high.
Lily: I was kind of hoping for zero…
Ashley: No, Lily, you’re right! We shouldn’t be fighting!
Thalia: Yeah!
Lily: I knew you guys would come to your senses!
Thalia and Ashley: We should just forget about each other for good!
Ashley: Thanks, Lily! You’re awesome!
Thalia: Yes! You’re a… “Smooth dude” as my peers call it!
Lily: (laughs meekly) Thanks…I guess. (Runs away)
With Analise and Lily:
Analise: Well, our plan failed.
Lily: Yup. Not to worry though, I have another one! (whispers to Analise)
Analise: Good one! So, once again, tomorrow morning.
(they leave)
Lily: (finishes hanging flyer)
Analise: (finishes hanging flyer, sees Alexa and Ginny)
Analise; (to Lily) There they come! Let’s go!
(they hide)
Alexa: (sees flyer) Hey, Ginny, look at this!
Ginny: (reads flyer) Sports event featuring hand sanitizer covered balls! We’re so there!
Alexa: (continues reading) Take this flyer for a free jumbo-sized hand sanitizer bottle and a free basketball hoop! Let’s go!
(they take the flyer, another flyer’s under it. They don’t see it, and keep walking)
(Thalia and Ashley enter)
Thalia: Hey, Ashley, look at this flyer! (reads) The annual library comes to town!
Ashley: Boring!
Thalia: Featuring books on how to be rich, dumb, pretty, and spoiled!
Ashley: Let’s go! (they go)
In the “festival”:
Thalia and Ashley: (see Ginny and Alexa) YOU!?!?
Ginny and Alexa: (see Thalia and Ashley) YOU?!?!
(they begin to leave, but Analise is blocking Ashley and Thalia, and Lily’s blocking Ginny and Alexa)
Lily: Analise, I just thought of a new plan!
Analise: Yeah? So did I!
Lily and Analise: LOCK THEM IN A ROOM AND DON’T LET THEM OUT UNTIL THEY’RE FRIENDS AGAIN! (pushes them and lock the door. They stand guard in front of it.)
In the room:
Thalia: (pounding on the door) LET US OUT!!!!!!!!
Lily and Analise: (through the door) NOT UNTIL YOU MAKE UP!
Thalia: (groans, sits down)
Ginny: Alexa, could you loosen my bracelet a little? It’s a little tight…
Alexa: Sure. (starts to loosen it)
Ashley: (looks at bracelet) Is…is that the bracelet I gave you in second grade?
Ginny: Yeah…it is.
Ashley: You…kept it? After all these years…after this argument?
Ginny: Well, yeah.
Alexa: Mine is on, too. (shows her)
Thalia: As is mine. (shows)
Ashley: I never took mine off ever since the day I gave them…
Everyone else: (in the room) Neither have I.
Analise and Lily: (through the door) NEITHER HAVE WE!
Alexa: I…missed you guys a lot the last few days…
Ashley: I missed you, too.
(they all hug)
(Analise and Lily open the door)
(everyone stands in a circle and puts the hand with the bracelet in the center.
Thalia: T!
Ashley: A!
Ginny: G!
Lily: L!
Analise: A!
Alexa: A!
Everyone: TAGLAA! (puts hands in the air)
Ashley and Alex
a: Friends forever?
Everyone else: FOREVER!!! (they all hug)